Saturday, November 15, 2014

Reached Nine days Actively with diet and exercises....

Reaching Healthy Weight:  {Day-9}

68 days to go....

"Every 4 out 10 of Bangaloreans are either over weighed or Obese"

At 9th Day, I did not care about rain because I must not escape with this rain excuse.  So, Umbrella accompanied me for my walk :-).


  • Morning Milk with Kellog's.
  • Apple.
  • Two Tandoori Rotis and vegetable curry around 2.30 PM.
  • Evening Tea at 4 PM.
  • Night a cup of milk with kellogs at 8.30 PM.
  • Pomegranate at 9.15 PM.

Yes, My diet was comparatively less.

 Activities:  Walked 7 kilometers.
Exercises for 30 minutes.

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