Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dr. Vijay's Health Dairy

Reaching Healthy Weight

1st Day out of 77 Days.

Yes,  Marking this day as first (1/77), I started workout.  Being a doctor it is not enough to keep on telling my over-weighed and obese patients to follow on diet and exercises along with medications.  I must set myself as an example so that I can inspire my patients.

Before I reach to Obesity, I decided 'By Hook or By Crook' to reach my goal of reducing uncessary weight in healthy way.

So, I designed few of my own Fitness Mantras:

  1. Shed your EGO first, then shed your WEIGHT
  2. Controlling Panchendriyas (Five senses).
  3. Note down benefits on Day-Today Basis.
  4. Plan short-term diet.
In terms of food, whatever I am going to have for a day, I am going to divide into Eight Portions.
  • Morning Breakfast:  3 Portions:  It can be started with Mono Fruit (Single Fruit), Plus Regular Breakfast Plus a cup of Milk.
  • Pre-Lunch: 1 Portion:  Just Having two healthy Bics or Soaked Badam or or anything of your choice.
  • Lunch:  2 Portions of food.
  • Evening:  1 Portion:  Tea with snacks.
  • Dinner:  1 Portion.

Evaluating My drawbacks and Corrections:

  1. Getting up Late:  I will correct from tomorrow.
  2. Sitting for long hours:  Yes, Now I started displacing myself when and as needed.
  3. Not following food timings:  It is a grave mistake which I am doing currently and I must correct it to reach my goals.
  4. Going to bed late:  This is also very big mistake what I am doing and from today I am going to rectify it.
  5. Eating sweets after dinner:  This is also my drawback and bad habit which I am trying to stop and will definitely stop it in future for which stop stocking such food stuff at home.

What I did for the DAY 1:

Writing on 07/11/2014, 12.30 PM:

The only one good thing which I did is to walk 6 kilometers.

However Diet wise, I maintained having one cup of coffee in morning plus two tea bun (that contains maida and I later realized to cut down Maida, so going to avoid in future), followed by one apple, and around 11.30 AM I had one Banana.

For Lunch, I had rice and daal.

Dinner, unexpectedly, I had bit heavy at Santhigiri Ashram.  I had Kichidi made with Suchi Rava, and followed by payasam.

At around 10 PM I had Papaya.

So, overall I maintained moderate diet yesterday.  At bed time I just analyzed my food intake and planned for the next day accordingly.
As usually I went to sleep around 11.45 PM which I am going to change it to 10.30 PM.