Monday, November 17, 2014

From Controlled Diet to Balanced Diet.....

Reaching Healthy Weight:  {Day-11}

66 days to go....

From 11th day to 20th day I have decided to keep similar target of reducing my weight.  With similar workouts.  But from "Controlled diet to Balanced diet."

From 11th day on-wards slightly there will be changes in my diet.

Milk and Kellog's
One tender coconut.
Skipped Lunch because of continuous patients. 
Evening, I had tea.
From restaurant I ordered Traditional Elada.
Diner I ate Idiyappam with coconut milk.
Had two small Bananas at night.

Now, My timings of sleeping and waking up are regularized.
Managed walking 7 kilometers in whole day.
Exercises for 30 minutes.
Sleep:  8 Hours.
Sitting:  Average of 3-4 hours.

Medicines:  Regular Kashayam (Only Morning times).