Sunday, November 16, 2014

Achieved a weight loss of 2 kilograms in 10 days as desired!!!!!

Reaching Healthy Weight:  {Day-10}

67 days to go....

In 10 days,  I achieved what I was deserving.  I reduced nearly 2 kilograms of weight as targeted before with diet and activities.

In 10 days duration, I had rice only one time on tenth day night.

I managed to have Milk and Kellog's in morning.
One tender coconut.
Lunch, I had Two Tandoori Rotis.
Evening, I had tea.
Night, for dinner, I had rice (Kushka), and daal with rice.
Had Milk at bed time added few kellog's.

(Missed having fruits today :-()

Managed walking 7 kilometers in whole day.
Exercises for 30 minutes.
Sleep:  8 Hours.
Sitting:  Average of 3-4 hours.

Medicines:  Regular Kashayam (Only Morning times).