Reaching Healthy Weight: {Day-13&14}
63 days to go....
You read it correct: "Being only 5 KG overweight increases the force on the knee by 14 to 28 Kg with each step."
You just imagine how much pressure you are going to put on your knee when you are over-weighed or obese....
I realized this fact when I started getting mild to moderate pain in my knees while squatting and while getting up from bed.
Well, today My day started at my native place...
Morning Idly: 4 Idly and sambar.
Following by milk.
Lunch I had Rice and seasonal peas.
Night I had Chapatti and curry.
My 14th day started with a cup of milk and then I had Semya.
Lunch: Chicken Dum Biryani (After 15 days I am having chicken).
Dinner I had chappatti.
My activities went okay by playing with my kid.
However I missed few miles of walking :-(, I will compensate this in coming days.
My target however, remains same. I want to achieve what I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!