Friday, November 28, 2014

New World Syndrome: A mixture of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and shortened life span!!!!!

Reaching Healthy Weight:  {Day 20 & 21}

56 days to go....

Unfortunately could not track my diet and activities for two days as I was forced to have Antibiotics for my Acute ear infections.

Well, I will take this a challenge to face such hurdles and overcome to reach my goals.

On 20th day I was able to follow minimum diet and managed to have routine diet:

Milk plus cornflakes and Chocos mix and slice of bread.
After noon it was lunch of Rotis and curry.
Evening Tea.
Night too I have managed to have Rotis.

Activities wise, I managed to walk 7 kilometers with out fail.

On 21st Day my diet was similar to 20th and of course I walked for 7 kilometers.

Result:  I could not achieve desirable goals, however my weight checking is due for the day.  Will update the changes.  I am confident that I have not gained weight.  But I feel it remains the same.

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