Saturday, June 4, 2011

Filariasis-An Ayurvedic Management



Ayurvedic Management of Filariasis

          As Filariasis is a chronic debilitating disease, which is caused by filarial parasite ‘Wuchereria boncrofti.’ Clinical manifestations such as fever, recurrent lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, with edema of affected parts like lower limbs, scrotum are commonly affected. In ayurvedic sciences Filariasis is called as Slipada.

After intensive research studies by the government body of India, they evaluated few therapies which show considerable amount of relief.

The following medicines are indicated:


Nithyananda Rasa,

Sudarshana churna,

Punarnavasavam or Punarnavadhyaristha or PunarnavadiKashayam or PathyPunarnavadi Kashayam are useful medicines and dosage and course can be planned by physician after consulting.

Central council of Indian medicine introduced Ayush-64, a coded medicine which contains (Saptaparna/ Alstonia scholaris, Kiratatika/Andrographis paniculata, Katuki/ Picrorhiza kurroa, Latakaranja/ Caesalpinia bonduc) is also believed to be effective medicine.



Usage of Haritaki or Terminalia chebula is found effective medicine if used in different modes.

Method 1: Haritaki fried in castor oil and made into powder can be used in the dose of 4gm to 6gm with 200ml of milk or 200ml of lukewarm water.

Method 2: Soak Haritaki in mustard oil for overnight and dry it under sun in day time, after getting dried, make powder and can be consumed with 4gm to 6gm dosage with honey or 7-time filtered cow’s urine 50ml.


For more details, contact us.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.

1 comment:

K.Sundar Rao said...

My wife was suffring from last 14 years and another leg also effected with filaria, now we taking nithyananda rasa daily. please give valuable suggession