Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stress and Ayurveda

Ctrl+Alt+Del “Stress” with Ayurveda.

It is believed that most of the individuals who work in Information Technology do suffer from stress and spine related problem and even systemic disorders.

 In order to achieve targets and deadline goals in professional work, IT people may ignore their personal health and end up with complications.

In the field of IT, most common disorders are Stress and Spine disorders like cervical Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis etc., due to improper maintenance of postures as most of the companies do not follow the science of Ergonomics.

Seating Pose

In order to get relieved from these disorders one should try to change their lifestyle and can do the following treatments in order to prevent future complications on health.

Ayurveda Panchakarma is a science where rejuvenation therapies are done to cope up with stress and spine related complaints.

Few important treatments are listed below: 


TarpanamTarpanam Eyes


Tarpanam is a nourishing ayurvedic treatment for eyes which is effective for strain eyes and tiredness in eyes. This treatment is indicated for those who experience strain due to long hours of work in front of computer.

What is Tarpana? With the help of Herbal Medication, Local treatment is done for eyes that helps to prevent eye strain and also improves vision or eyesight.

Duration of the Treatment: It takes 30 minutes for completing total treatment



Shirodhara (Medicated oil) or Kashayadhara (Decoctions) or Takradhara (Medication processed with buttermilk): Pouring the medication over forehead in rhythmic way which is very helpful to maintain proper coordination in circulation which reduce stress.

Foot massage
Head massage


With the help of herbal oils Head Massage and Foot Massage can be done for pleasant mind and to reduce heat intensity.

There are many oils that sooths mind.

Example: Lakshmi Vilasa enna

Pic 4


General Body massage helps to relax body and mind and improves blood circulation.



Nasyam is technique where medical is given through nostrils that helps to cleanse the system above the neck that helps to keep body and mind active.

Apart from these therapies there are many indicative therapies which are applied for particular ailments.  For more details feel free to contact me.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai. 

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