Monday, May 30, 2011



            Most of the individuals those who suffer from gastric related complaints like hyperacidity may suffer from the symptoms such as feeling of food coming towards mouth, burning sensation in the chest region and these symptoms aggravates on bending forward, or while lying down, feeling of vomiting sensation, sour throat, cough, change of voice, food regurgitation. The above symptoms may suggest GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease which should be taken care.


            GERD is explained as a condition where stomach contents leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus (food pipe).

Precautions and Prevention:

              To prevent heartburn, avoid the food items and beverages that trigger symptoms such as

  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated beverages,
  • Citrus fruits and juices,
  • Tomato sauces,
  • Spicy or fatty foods,
  • Full-fat dairy products, etc.

Foods to avoid in GERD

  • Activities: Avoid activities that trigger hyperacidity.
  • Avoid bending down or exercises,
  • Avoid smoking or alcohol,forward bending
  • Reduce stress.
  • Eat smaller meals,
  • Head-end elevation of bed while sleeping.

gerd-diet bed elevation


In order to avoid complications and to prevent the condition, one should be careful in food and activities.

             Ayurvedic treatment is focused on symptomatic relief and preventing the disease.

            There are certain internal medicines that help to prevent hyperacidity and regurgitation, and heartburns.

Ayurvedic Medicines:

  • Indukantham Kashayam
  • Udarasudham
  • Manjishtadi Kwatham
  • Chandraprabhavati etc.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.

Saturday, May 28, 2011




Breadsticks are the foods or snack that control cholesterol.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Grapes and Raisins


Grapes and Raisins

  • Good to eat as to contains no fats and is having satiety nature.
  • As Grape skins contain a plant pigment called quercetin that helps to regulate blood cholesterol levels.
  • Grapes are used for controlling hypertension as it stimulates endothelial nitric oxide production which induces relaxation of the blood vessel walls.
  • Grapes do have antioxidant properties due to presence of bioflavonoids that helps to manage cancerous condition.
  • Grapes contain tannin (polyphenol) that helps to fight viruses.
  • Grapes do have mild laxative properties that relieves chronic constipation and for the purpose of weight loss.
  • If Fresh ripe grape juice is consumed in early morning that helps to relieve migraine headache.
  • Grapes are believed to reduce macular degeneration.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stress and Ayurveda

Ctrl+Alt+Del “Stress” with Ayurveda.

It is believed that most of the individuals who work in Information Technology do suffer from stress and spine related problem and even systemic disorders.

 In order to achieve targets and deadline goals in professional work, IT people may ignore their personal health and end up with complications.

In the field of IT, most common disorders are Stress and Spine disorders like cervical Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis etc., due to improper maintenance of postures as most of the companies do not follow the science of Ergonomics.

Seating Pose

In order to get relieved from these disorders one should try to change their lifestyle and can do the following treatments in order to prevent future complications on health.

Ayurveda Panchakarma is a science where rejuvenation therapies are done to cope up with stress and spine related complaints.

Few important treatments are listed below: 


TarpanamTarpanam Eyes


Tarpanam is a nourishing ayurvedic treatment for eyes which is effective for strain eyes and tiredness in eyes. This treatment is indicated for those who experience strain due to long hours of work in front of computer.

What is Tarpana? With the help of Herbal Medication, Local treatment is done for eyes that helps to prevent eye strain and also improves vision or eyesight.

Duration of the Treatment: It takes 30 minutes for completing total treatment



Shirodhara (Medicated oil) or Kashayadhara (Decoctions) or Takradhara (Medication processed with buttermilk): Pouring the medication over forehead in rhythmic way which is very helpful to maintain proper coordination in circulation which reduce stress.

Foot massage
Head massage


With the help of herbal oils Head Massage and Foot Massage can be done for pleasant mind and to reduce heat intensity.

There are many oils that sooths mind.

Example: Lakshmi Vilasa enna

Pic 4


General Body massage helps to relax body and mind and improves blood circulation.



Nasyam is technique where medical is given through nostrils that helps to cleanse the system above the neck that helps to keep body and mind active.

Apart from these therapies there are many indicative therapies which are applied for particular ailments.  For more details feel free to contact me.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai. 




“Herbal tea” is also called as tisane originated from Greek word, that means it is a herbal infusions made from any other herbal sources apart from tea plant that is having health benefits.

Ayurvedic texts do mentioned about Herbal infusions and are indicated for many ailments.

Another set of Herbal infusions are the preparations where herbal infusions were extracted through distillation processes and named as “Arka.”

“Arka” preparations are highly volatile and having medicinal properties and quick actions.

These herbal teas are made up of fresh flowers, fresh leaves, dried flowers, dried leaves, seeds, roots, etc., and by boiling them with vapours to gain volatile properties and even seeds can be infused well with air tight lids. Some herbal teas do used for flavour purpose, and even for coloration purpose too like green tea, white tea, black tea etc.



As Herbal teas do have medicinal properties and acts as stimulants and relaxants that sooths mind.

Herbal teas have antioxidant properties, and improves immunity power too.

Hence, herbal teas are used for various disorders and in order to maintain healthy lifestyle and helps to cope up obesity, cardiac complaints, etc.

They acts as laxatives also.

Examples for herbal teas:

· Fennel weight loss herbal teas are used for weight loss.

· Rosemary herbal tea is good for memory.

· Boldo herbal tea for digestion. Ginger root tea for digestion.

· Tulsi infusions are used for many health ailments.

· Licorice herbal tea is good for stamina.


Even in the Indian system of medicines and in ayurveda like sciences, these herbal infusions are prepared for detoxification purpose. In modern world it is also called herbal detox. Herbal teas are used are herbal detox.

These herbal detox do help in cleansing body systems, and internal organs, and clears toxins from organs like liver, spleen, colon etc.

In ancient times it is believed that mere inhalation of these herbal infusions is enough to act on particular system such as for digestive system as laxatives and even cleansing the system also.

There are many herbal teas which acts as herbal detox.


Herbal teas are also acts as laxatives which helps to cleanse the system, colon and helps in forming stools.

In ancient times, there are many herbal infusions were used for the purpose of purgation and laxatives.

As these herbal infusions do stimulate some digestive enzymes which help to regularise bowel and bladder function.

Example is Mint herbal tea.


Herbal tea preparations are used for weight losing purpose also.

As they have active ingredients to act on fat metabolism and even these herbal teas are very useful to gain confidence.

The best herbal tea for weigh loss is Green Tea which is very popular now a days .

Overall benefits of herbal teas are many and they depend up on each and every person and indications and even the herbal material used for infusion purpose.

In India these herbal infusions are used in different form in many places and even as traditional practice and even as home remedies.

Thought there is limited standardization of these herbal preparations, due to presence of toxins in few herbal tea preparations. There are few herbal teas which are popular now a days.

One can consume herbal teas noticing the ingredients and authenticity of the preparation.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Psoriasis Care


As Psoriasis occurs due to immune system if overreacts and there will be many aggravating factors that include lifestyle, food, and psychological factors.

Managing Psoriasis:

Lifestyle Management:

When person suffers from psoriasis, one should understand about the disease that is due to weak immune system and try to avoid aggravating factors such as Stress, Anxiety, and Habits like smoking or alcohol. If person is having any other associated diseases such as diabetes or Hyperlipidaemia, and that should be taken care.

Personal care:

Moisturize: Applying suitable moisturizers will help to keep your skin moist in order to prevent scaly skin condition and itching.

Daily Baths: Warm water baths and oatmeal baths are very helpful to loosen scales of psoriatic skin. Epsom salt or Dead sea salt also beneficial if added to bathing water.
Sunlight: Natural sunlight exposure is beneficial as researches reveals that UV rays may help to prevent the psoriatic conditions and promotes quick heal.
Reduce Stress: Practicing Yoga, Relaxation and Anti-stress techniques are helpful as stress flares up psoriasis.
Avoid Anything Harsh Against Your Skin: Avoid any harsh products such as soaps, detergents, lotions containing alcohol, deodorants and deodorant soaps, etc.
You can use natural soaps or herbal powders for bathing.
Quit Smoking and Drinking: As alcohol and smoking aggravates the condition and are triggering factors, one should stop these habits if any.
Stop Scratching and Picking: excessive scratching and plucking of scaly skin may cause bacterial infections.



· Avoid packed foods in excess, prepared meats or pre-spiced meats, spicy foods.

· Avoid consuming Brinjal, ground nuts, most cold cuts and pastes, spice cakes, pickles, pickled spices and peppers, nut-based pastries, chocolate-based products

· Do not eat hot, spicy and pungent foods.

· Avoid salts and curds in excess, fatty foods, animal proteins etc.

What to eat?

· Consume green vegetables, cucumber, carrot, beet root, apple, Guava, grapes.

· Cabbage soup, fresh buttermilk, spinach, almond oil, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, and wheat germs etc., are useful.

Medicines: There are many sets of medicines for psoriasis. Broadly divided into three: Topical Applications, Internal medicines, and Local Therapies.

Ayurvedic Medicines: Based on Doshic vitiations Herbal medications are used.

Examples: Mahathikthakam Kashayam, Kaidaryadi Kashayam etc.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhgiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.

Carrots- As good as 24carats gold

Carrots- As good as 24carats gold


Carrot (Daucus carota): As carrots are rich in Vitamin A, dietary fibre, antioxidants, and minerals, they do have so many health benefits if consumed properly.

ACTIONS:    Laxative, Diuretic, Appetite Stimulant, Digestive, and Antiseptic.

SEEDS and Seed Oil:  Acts as Stimulant, Antispasmodic, Emmenagogue (stimulates blood flow in Pelvic area.)

INDICATIONS:   Apart from rich source in vitamin A, it helps to Increase blood flow, build blood,

brighten eyes, colitis, gout, on constipation,

worms (when eaten raw), arthritis, skin disorders, edema.

Carrot juice can be given as supplement in Jaundice, Chronic hepatitis, Colon disorders, Antioxidant, Heal skin and tissues; Heart disease, it reduces the risk of lung cancer; diarrhea, healthy teeth, dehydration, increases complexion.

Special Indication for Haemorrhoids: Consume 150ml of carrot juice by adding 10ml of Coriander juice taken once daily for a week.

Indigestion: For 150ml of carrot juice add one pinch of dried ginger powder.

Contraindications: May cause colic in babies.

Massive overconsumption of carrots can cause carotenosis.

Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Beans Pictures


Beans are rich in protein, and good source of fiber. Can consume as soup or as vegetable. One cup pack contains 12 grams of fiber, 4 grams of fat, and 15 grams of protein.



Bathing secret

Bathing is mandatory for Day-to-Day life as it is having significant importance for being healthy. Though, most of the individuals doesn’t aware for what they do bath but there are many scientific theories and ancient values. As a part of health purpose and to maintain hygiene, bathing is recommended and being practiced by most. There are many other theories hidden or which are not focused to present era regarding bathing and its uses.

The present trend is changed a lot for bathing techniques as to maintain lifestyle in health and wellbeing angle, they are Balneotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Naturopathy etc.

Balneotherapy is an advanced therapeutic practice of bathing with classical essence where herbal medicines or minerals are added to cold or hot water and during the processing massaging is done where subject feels relaxed and gains therapeutic gain.

During ancient times many herbs were used for bathing purpose and even hot balls of iron or metals were immersed in water so that it become hot and attains mineral values which in turn helps for health purposes. To gain pleasant mind fragrance materials such as sandal, rose water etc., were added to water.

By understanding present condition, there are modified Balneotherapies or hydro therapies which were practiced world-wide.

The following therapies are compilations from ayurvedic texts where herbs are used for bathing purposes.

Though ancient scholars mentioned many types of bathing, they were significant to that particular times. Examples as per puranas are “Bath by wind” or “Vayavya Sananam” (Bathing), Sarswatha Snanam (As indicated by elders), “Divyasnana” Bathing in rain water in presence of sun light, “Manasa Sanana” and “Parthiva Snanam” bathing with prayers for mental satisfaction.

There are many varieties of bathing depending on indication and in ancient times, they classified into Nithya Snana (daily bath), Naimithika Snana (causal bath) and Kamya Snana (desirable bath).

As per traditional practices, even after menstruation, special mud bath is recommended for auspicious reasons.

There are many other traditional bathing which were mentioned as per festivals, even oil bath is mentioned as mandatory in part of “Dinacharya” or “Daily Activity.”


Water Bath: There are many different varieties of water bath starting from cold water bath, hot water bath, pond water bath, distilled water bath etc., depending on the condition of climate, person, place etc.

Milk Bath: As milk is having many medicinal and nutritional properties, one can apply milk or milk cream all over the body and do mild massage followed by water bath gives nourishment to skin and brings lustre on skin.

Ghee Bath: Ghee bath is very important and is indicated for lean persons and for those desiring good tonicity of body can apply Cow’s Ghee or Goat’s Ghee all over the body which is very helpful as Ghee is having (Yogavahi property) or (Catalytic agent).

Cow Dung Bath: Cow Dung Bath is having significant values and gives good tonicity of the body and is found effective for obese people.

PanchaGavya SNanam or being bathed with curd, milk, ghee, cow urine and cow dung is an auspicious bath which is having multiple benefits.

Gooseberry or Amla Bath: By collecting Fresh or Dried Gooseberries and making paste with water and on applying over full body (Including hair) and do mild massage followed by water bath is very helpful as it acts as cleansing agent and nourishing agent to the skin which helps to enhances glow of the skin.

Herbal mixture BATH: The medicines which are having fragrance and medicinal values such as Srigandham, Jatamamsi “Nardostachys Jatamansi,” Bael (Aegle marmelos), Kasthuri Manjal or Special turmeric, etc., can be put in powdered form in water and used for bathing.

Herbal leaves Bath: By using leaves such as Neem, Beal, Lotus leaves and jasmine flowers soaked in water can be used for bating which is having soothing properties for body and mind.

Conclusion: By understanding the above concept, one can follow regular bathing practice and herbal bathing wherever and whenever necessary which helps to refresh body and mind.

By Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.

Lemon That Cools Your Body

Lemon That Cools Your Body:

Lemon That Cools Your Body

Lemon is a citrus fruit that contains many medicinal values which is uses as culinary and non-culinary forms. As medicine, it can be used for various ailments as it acts as digestive stimulant, astringent action, refrigerant, relieves thirst and acts as expectorant.

Lemon for summer:

Especially Lemon is widely used to beat summer heat, sunstroke, and as thirst reliever.

Lemon for curing diseases:

Lemon, if used in different forms will help to cure or manage many diseases such as for fever, hot-dry skin, Inflammation, cold and flu, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, Diabetes, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, neuralgia as medicine.

Lemon Juice is used for relieving heartburn and nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and reduces excess mucus secretion, for sore throat acts as gargles, swollen or bleeding gums, cleanses the blood stream.

Lemon is good for organs such as kidney, lungs, uterus, GI tract.

Combination of lemon juice and coriander juice is very helpful to reduce edema and indirectly it is helpful for elephantiasis leg and relieves kidney stones and urinary calculi.

Lemon used with honey:

Phlegm discharge and helps for fat reduction, stimulates bile action, even helps to dissolve gallstones.

Lemon Peel can be used to regulate liver function, spleen and pancreas and acts as detoxifier.

Lemon for external Application:

Lemon juice is used as external application with different herbal medicines such as nerve pain, and insect bites.

Lemon Precautions:

Lemon should not be consumed with milk and most of the milk products mangoes, tamarind etc.

Patient who is suffering from peptic ulcer is not indicated to consume raw lemon or more concentrated lemon form.


Dr.Vijay Kumar

Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.