Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Herbs during pregnancy and Important care

Herbs during pregnancy:

It is believed that Ayurvedic medicines or herbal medicines are very helpful for the purpose of conceiving or to support pregnancy. But one should realize that not all herbal medicines are helpful for the same purpose and few herbal medicines or herbs do hamper pregnancy or affects pregnancy because they do have the action of abortive, purgative etc.
Keeping this concept in mind, one has to think well before consuming any ayurvedic medicines while trying to conceive or while in pregnancy. Few herbal medicines should be used at appropriate time to avoid adverse effects of medicine.
Herbal medicines do have the properties on particular system of the body such as gastrointestinal, reproductive system, cardiac system etc and are classified accordingly. Hence, few ayurvedic or herbal medicines are having the properties such as uterine contractors, abortive properties, laxative properties etc. So, few herbs may not be suitable for the women, who are trying to get conceived.

Grossly, in ayurveda, one should keep in a mind that the medicines which do have hot potency, or having scrapping property or **lekhana** property, or purgative property, abortive property, and few Vata medicines, may hamper pregnancy and these kind of medicines should be avoided. Apart from these there are few herbal medicines which assists conception. They are good to consume for assisting pregnancy.

However, other factors such as female related complaints or menstrual related complaints should be analyzed and line of treatment should go accordingly.

Here is the list of medicine which is not suitable for pregnancy, or those who trying to get conceived.

1. Bala (Sida rhombifolia) : Milk decoction can be made and consumed 50 ml per day in first trimester of pregnancy.
2. Lakshmana (Ipomeoa sepiaria): Milk decoction can be made and consumed 50 ml per day in first trimester of pregnancy.
3. Bruhati (Solanum melenginum): Milk decoction can be made and consumed 50 ml per day in first trimester of pregnancy.
4. Desmodium gangeticum (Shaliparni): Can be consumed in second trimester.
5. Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia): It is useful if consumed as decoction to gain immunity power.
6. Tribulus Terrestris: Can be consumed if there is any kind of fluid retention or pitting edema which is common in second trimester.
7. Solanum xanthocarpum (Kantakari): Can be consumed with milk.
8. Hordeum vulgare (yava): Can be used in the form of decoctions.
9. Maerua oblongiflia
10. Blessed Thistle
11. Burdock Root
12. Chamomile
13. Dandelion
14. Kelp
15. Nettle Leaf
16. Red Raspberry Leaf
17. Spirulina
18. Black Haw
The above mentioned herbal medicines can be consumed even the form of combinations.
[Amrit Sat].
[Divya Falghrit].
[Giloy Sat].

There are many more medicines which can be used as needed basis and few medicines are useful for development of fetus.

The following herbs should not be consumed:
There are many herbs and culinary spices which are very harmful for those who try for conceiving. These herbs may appear in the form of single herbs or in the combinations, hence one should be very careful while using any spices or herbs in cooking or while consuming any ayurvedic medicines.

1. Angelica (Canda): Stimulates suppressed menstruation
2. Aloe Vera: Not to be used during pregnancy as it is having purgative nature in many cases.
3. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) or Lodhra: May cause liver complaints
4. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) (Choraka): Stimulates bleeding.
5. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Methi: Uterine relaxant.
6. Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) (Shinithasthapana): It is having haemostatic property and may affect developing foetus and even it is not used while nursing.
7. Henbane(Hyoscyamus niger) (Parasika Yavani): Highly toxic.
8. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense): Not good to use in developing foetus.
9. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (Yashti Madhu): Should be avoided in pregnancy and lactation as it is having adverse affects on estrogenic and progestin balance and can create water retention and even not to be used in elevated blood pressure.
10. Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) (Nagadamani): It may lead to uterine contraction and potential miscarriage, and stimulates suppressed menstruation.
11. Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): It is strong uterine stimulant, hence proper precaution should be taken.
12. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (Jatipatra): It inhibits prostaglandin production and contains hallucinogens if consumed in large quantities or even causes miscarriage in large doses.
13. Pennyroyal Leaf (Mentha pulegium): Uterine stimulant. Kind of culinary herb where tea infusion is made and may cause miscarriage if consumed.
14. Goat’s Rue (Galega officinalis): Strong expellant.
15. Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris): Not safe to use in pregnancy. It can be used during haemorrhage after child birth or during childbirth safely.
16. Bear berry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi): It removes much blood sugar during pregnancy and nursing.
17. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): It is uterine stimulant.
18. Cascara Sagrada: May cause electrolyte imbalance.
19. Juniper or Juniperus communis: Strong vaso-dialating, diurectic effect.
20. Poke root: a powerful emetic. (causes vomiting)
21. Wild Ginger (Curcuma amada) (Amragandha): Used for pickles and it may cause uterine contractions.
22. Black Cohosh - Uterine stimulant.
23. Blue Cohosh - A stronger uterine stimulant
24. Borage oil - A uterine stimulant - use only during the last few days of pregnancy.

Apart from above mentioned herbs, there are many more herbs or spices, which may harm the process of pregnancy and may lead to complications. Hence one should notice for information before using herbal products.
However, depending up on disease conditions, there may be necessity of using the above herbs for treating reproductive related complaints. One should be cautious while consuming such type of medicines.
Usually, now-a-days, there is a practice of consuming herbal supplements such as Aloevera juice, or some laxatives or purgatives without consulting physician, and that may harm for the persons those who are trying to get conceived.

This implies for yoga and meditation too. So one should take proper guidance from a trainer for contraindications while doing yoga poses.

With regards,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a complete tips and good for first time momies.
Aaraike is a team of women who helps other independent women to sail through their pregnancy & post pregnancy period and cares about mother and new born baby.