Sunday, September 30, 2007


Papaya for better eyesight:
Eating 3 or more servings of this fruit per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration, the primary cause of vision loss in older adults.
Papaya is good for skin:
Intake of papaya reduces the effects of stress and strain of modern life on skin. The enzyme papain acts as an exfoliative agent and removes dead cells and lifts away the dry skin. The antioxidants in papaya control premature ageing of the skin, thus imparting a youthful look.
Papaya face pack for pimples and freckles:
Apply finely ground paste of raw papaya on the face for 15-20 minutes. It is beneficial for pimples, freckles and other embarrassing blemishes besides making the skin smooth and soft.
Papaya face pack for dry skin:
Mash a small section of papaya; mix it with one tsp of milk cream, Apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off. This pack is very effective for dry skin.
Papaya in cosmetics:

Papaya fruit pulp and the dried latex is the basic component of many facial creams, salves and shampoos. The skin of the ripe papaya can be refrigerated and later used to wash one’s face.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Nocturnal Emissions
The discharge of semen through the penis during sleep usually as a result of erotic dreams is called nocturnal emission. It is also called “wet dreams” or “night falls”. When a young man experiences a nocturnal emission, he gets quite a shock. If the person is ignorant of the normal sexual process, he will be bewildered at what is happening to him and may turn to bogus literature on sex or to quacks for an answer. Misinformation may result in sexual problems.
Wet dreams are quite natural. No physical or mental harm can come from them. They need not and cannot be curbed. They do not require any treatment. It is not just boys who get these wet dreams. Even girls and women can have erotic dreams as a result of pent-up sexual desires, which may lead to orgasms during sleep.




Sexual Myths
The concepts of sex being ‘a necessary evil’ and ‘the less said about it the better’ have led to many misconceptions about sex. Most common sexual myths arise out of ignorance. Given below are a few of them.

*Women also ejaculate during sexual intercourse.
^Women do not ejaculate during sexual intercourse.
*Simultaneous orgasms are a must for sexual satisfaction.
^Simultaneous orgasms are not necessary.
*Only men have wet dreams.
^Women also experience nocturnal orgasms.
*Wet dreams are sexual disorders.
^Nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) are not a sign of sexual disorder. They are a part of normal sexual process.
*One drop of semen is equivalent to 40 drops of blood.
^Completely unfounded. Semen is produced by testes, seminal vesicles and prostate gland and not directly by blood.
*Men have fixed quota of semen. If they masturbate, this quantity is quickly disposed of.
^There is no fixed quota of semen. From puberty to death, semen will be produced, provided the testicles are healthy.
*Venereal disease occurs when god of love visits a man.
^Venereal disease is produced by infective organisms. God has nothing to do with it. Unless one of the partners is harbouring the disease producing germs, the other cannot contract it.
*Venereal disease is cured if the man has sex with a virgin
^Not true. On the contrary the Venereal disease sufferer will transmit the disease to the virgin.
*Frequent masturbation makes the penis shrink.
^Even when a person indulges in masturbation frequently, the penis never shrinks and becomes small. Once any part or organ of the human body has attained its maximum size, it will never become small unless it is partially cut off accidentally or surgically.
*Special food and exercise will make the penis grow big.
^Not true. Whatever that is good for other body parts is also good for sex organs.
*Masturbation leads to nervous breakdown.
^Not true. Masturbation is a normal physiological activity.
*Vasectomy makes a man impotent.
^Sterilisation (vasectomy in male and tubectomy in female) does not reduce desire and performance. In fact, by removing the fear of pregnancy, sexual desire and the performance are increased.
*Men have stronger sexual urges than women.
^Not true. Sexual urge is equal in both the sexes.
*Anal sex is only practised by homosexuals.
^Anal sex may be practised by heterosexuals also.
*Oral sex is a perverted act.
^Oral sex is a normal act and may be practised when both partners are interested and free from infections.
*A normal man should be able to get an erection whenever he wants it.
^A man have an erection of the penis just by desiring it. The entire physiological sexual response should be gone through before an erection occurs.
*A man is not a male if he cannot get a penile erection.
^The masculinity of a person is not judged by the ability to get an erection. There are other criteria.
*A woman is not considered to be a female if she cannot conceive a child.
^The femininity of a person is not judged by the ability to conceive a child. There are other criteria.
*Menopause puts an end to a woman’s sex life.
^Menopause is not the end of a woman’s sex life. It is the end of her reproductive life only.
*Imparting sex education to youngsters will lead them to promiscuity.
^Talking to youngsters on sex or imparting sex education will not lead to promiscuity. Even without sex education, people indulge in promiscuity. In fact, more married people have promiscuous relations than youngsters. Educating the young on sex and sexual behaviour helps them to develop a healthy and positive attitude towards sexuality. More importantly, better interpersonal relationship will develop leading to a harmonious family and marital life.

* myths
^ facts


Throat pain and cough:Add little turmeric, black pepper powder, sugar and ghee to and drink it, to get relief.
skin diseases and itching:Mix a spoon of turmeric with butter or coconut oil and massage on your skin.
Burning sensation in the eyes:Boil water and add turmeric and cool it, wash your eyes in that water.
For sinus problems:Fry turmeric,
jaggery and ghee in equal proportion, store it in a bottle and take a pinch of it everyday.
Flatulence ½ tsp powdered turmeric taken thrice a day relieves flatulence and loss of appetite.
Diabetes and other diseases10-20 ml of expressed juice may be taken daily in skin diseases, diabetes and jaundice.½ tsp each of turmeric along with
amla (gooseberry) powder should be taken daily early in the morning. In small pox & chicken pox, a coating should be applied to facilitate scabbing.
Common colds and scorpion bites Sprinkle turmeric powder over burnt charcoal and inhale the fumes. This is highly beneficial in asthma and common colds. In cases of scorpion bites, the bitten area should be exposed to the same fumes for a few minutes to minimize toxicity.
· The juice of the raw root or the powder of the dried root mixed and taken with milk or water is very effective for intestinal problems.
· The same juice is good for new mothers soon after delivery. It not only helps in faster contraction of ovaries and inner parts after delivery, but also improves the overall health and promotes breast milk secretion.
Anemia:Turmeric is a rich and ample source of iron. Have a teaspoon of raw turmeric juice with a bit of honey, if suffering from anemia.
Asthma:A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk helps in fighting bronchial asthma and cough. It not only gives relief but also acts as a preventive from further attacks.
Sprains and
wounds:Apply a medicinal paste of turmeric (turmeric powder mixed with sweet lime juice and salt) on sprain swellings. This paste gives quick and long lasting relief. Powder of turmeric should be sprinkled on wounds/ulcers for speedy healing.
Cuts and burns:It should be immediately applied on cuts, bleeding or burns. It is an antiseptic and stops bleeding and heals the cut or burn.

Friday, September 21, 2007

welcome to ayurveda

Hi friends i am here with some important aspects of ayurveda.....
in future i would like to share views regarding ayurveda....